knowledge is pain, that's why it hurts to know...
Eveerything here is strictly written by me unless stated.
Therefore, Copyrighted (c).
independant queen workin for her throne
" I know the world's cold and deceiving but I keep my head up like my nose is bleeding " - Lil Wayne
Cassandra N.R.T.'s the given name but people call me Cassie or Cas.
I got a smile on the face with a fuck you mentality. I'm hated and loved, but who isn't?
That typa girl who's called a bitch/asshole (whatever's negitive) because she speaks the truth.
In the teen years and is educated. I try my best not to regret because I only learn from my mistakes.
God and the ones I call family keep me going on the regular. My trust is limited. I know, sounds
cliche but it really is. Meaning I can count the selected ones I really trust with my own 2 hands.
Other than all the negative, i'm pretty chill once you get to know me.
Just like Kanye, Everything i'm not made me everything I am.
Get at me with something real. †♥$ ♪
Game -
Monday, August 31, 2009 (11:33 PM)
K my computer's whack for not letting me get onto this after a milllllllion tries, exaggeration LOL. So here's my post for you that I said I would do but never ended up doing.. until now, ha! Okay so where do I start? I don't want to make this thing super long so you won't end up reading the whole thing lmao! So we've been talking for quite some time, truuuuue. And I never knew you were sucha loser. Lmao JOKING :) Hmm I remember when we started talkin each others swag LOL; swagnificent & swaggariffic erks ahha! And now you're just my 'complicated ting' kinda ting ;) lmfaoooooo! (Oh hi fosss people loool). Kso now my mamadukes is calling me to go upstairs and get off the computer.. like I said she soon would -.- Gosh CNE was a flop eh? I coulda seen you but you see my brother instead - gaaaaaay. Cos you don't know him! And he doesn't know you, and you said he's dime, homo! LOL jokes jokes! Don't killl me :) Well hopefully i'll see you at pnd? Ha :P why'd you gotta be so far? YOUSUCK (n). Well anyways, i'll always be here yaaaaakno! :) K i'm done' LOL - you ditcher :)
i was like why you so obsessed wit me
(6:01 PM)
Like why you gotta run your mouth so much for? Lmao so much nonsense and fuckery that's so unnecessary because clearly you're just hating. Fuck you and get off my clit - I don't give 2 fucks about you. It's you're fault I act rude towards you. Like shut the fuck up already LOL. Take a look at everything you've done to me in the past, it's all negative. Say what you want like i'm rude or whatever shit, but guess what? I'm just speaking the truth and I guess sometimes, truth hurts - so deal with it. I'm so straight forward, so what?! At least I know how to handle myself with true facts and not nonsense LMAO. Get outtttttttta here ! Dumb broad. Aint no fool gonna fool me, ever.
And I want someone who'll ride for me not someone who'll ride for free. So either that or you're just messing with the wrong chick, forreal.
worlds , worlds famous'
Friday, August 28, 2009 (12:29 AM)
I swear it's like I got fans whom love my blog so much they gotta steal shit. Lmao. Get original or die tryin'. Don't think you can hide - cos I caught you regardless. Ya I know, my blog's always bomb and my posts always make so much sense but no need for teifing LMAO. At least credit me fools. K like ya, a blog is meant to be read and shit so cut on the 'stalker tips' but forreal, simply just credit LOL (whoever you are). Kinda HATE it when people take my shit and take it all for themselves, dumb broads. If you aint gon place credits then find your own shit. Takin shit' - not a good look. Shows how intelligent you are, ya? NOT. 'Just sayin'
Thanks for reading fools' PEACE OUT! Y'all best know who you are. Or y'all just dumb.
I want the money, money and cars, cars and the clothes & the hoes I suppose. I just wanna be, I just wanna be successful.
Worlds fucken famous' - true.
quick updates? been so MIA here
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 (4:38 PM)
Haven't blogged in a little while. Honestly been out the whole week so far, and I haven't gotten much sleep > going to bed late, waking up early' damn. So CNE on monday - GOOD day. Funnny shit too, plus all the FREE tings ;) connections, whaddap! And some mad shopping. Finally got those highwaist pants i've been lookin' for, for 5 bucks too only, holla! Then yesterday, tuesday; ate out with the fam - sushi buffet, yum. Then pmall ways haha. Then today, ate out crused around eglington and w.e stores were there, back home now and heading out to the cousins later on tnite. Tmrw idk whaddap but I know I got an ortho appointment. Get my braces tightened possibly and w.e? And friday. who knows idk some mix up plans' - not too sure whats going on. Anywhos, life's been pretty good I must say. No fucken problems with a trick so lets keep it that way.. hmm ps. i swear people keep tryna add me on FB for some reason and when I ask who it is or how I know them, they don't answer. Like the fuuuuuuuck , if you're not going to answer then don't bother adding me, stupid tricks.
And those pretty fake eyes are just full of ugly ridiculous lies and it's just fooling everyone. How fucking sad... " real eyes realize real lies "
dumb shit
Saturday, August 22, 2009 (7:15 PM)
I don't understand why you would hype over something I said which is indeed, TRUE. Like you already know I think of you that way so why be sucha spaz, lmao. It's kinda funny how you act. And you talk so much bullfuckenshit and can't back it up. And you call me a shit talker? Puh-fucken-lease! Don't even get me started with this fuckery of yours LOL. Like if you're going to say shit about me to me through SOMEONE ELSES account then back up what you say with proof, cos you're just showing that YOU'RE the shit talker here since you can't back it up. And it's funny how you say "not worth my time" when you're fully the one who started to snap on me again.. like honestly if i'm not worth your time then why do you talk to me? Why do you reply? DUMB SHIT. And everytime I backed up my ' shit talking ' you couldn't say anything anymore cause you know everything I said was true. Soft. Don't tell me to say shit to your face when you're soft ass blocked me on msn and removed me on facebook. Like pleaaaase! And don't tell me to 'grow up' tell your soft ass to man the fuck up. Stop actin' bright . Dumb fucken broad. Piss me off with dumb fuckery.
Friday, August 21, 2009 (11:32 AM)
Waking up to a nice breeze today was realllly nice. Finally no sweaty sticky kinda feeling - gross. Again, i'm like blogging for the sake of blogging. So let's talk about last nights whackass weather! First I saw some hectic lightning and was hearing some crazy thunder but - it wasn't raining yet. All the windows in the house, the backyard door was open since I have no AC and then it started raining so freakin hard holay shit! Ran around to close all the windows and shit and when I was closing the window I swear the lightning was like right next to it LOOOL omggg, freaky shit. Kthnxbai.
boredlife, true.
Thursday, August 20, 2009 (12:44 PM)
Okay so I haven't posted in a little while, amzing. Dumb school is giving the locker numbers on the first day of school now because they didn't know they gave out the schedules without the locker numbers or some shiet like that, whatever. Kso it's forever hot in my house. Now I really don't know how I lived this whole summer without AC. Oh I finally got a picture of my newest shoes - it's on my tumblr so ya, too lazy to post it here again haha :P Anywhos, this post was totally random just cos I blogged for the sake of blogging and clearly, i'm bored. Threw out a buncha random shit to you readers haha. So yaaaa holllllla at chu later.
yesterday ,
Monday, August 17, 2009 (12:05 PM)
So yesterday went to black creek pioneer village for my dad's works annual picnic thingy. It was H O T as hell being outside for 3 hours under the sun but tell me how I didn't even get a LITTLE tan gosh w.e lmao got a buncha misquito bites tho. So it was overall a good day I guess. Saw people I haven't seen in a long time and seen some animals that look so fucked up - like i never ever seen them before. So the only negatives was the drinks which tasted like WATER.. each time even if they added more juice.. and that little part where my dad's work had hired people to set up rock climbing, 9 hole put and inflatables. 1. the rock climbing was the only decent part there except those guys that were wating it and like hooking you in looked like creepers so I didn't bother going on it ahah. 2. the 9 hole put was like really SMALL and not even like those real things. 3. the inflateable was the smallest shiet in the world ... and there was a height limit printed on the inflatable but tell me how later on there was big kiddies on it lmfaooo and they were 'breaking' the thing down hahaha.
(click pictures to enlarge)

1. dirty water 2. weird lookin chicken/duck 3. big ass horse, literally 4. fat duck/rooster

5. freaky doll 6. the guy in the orange is a creeper 7. see the back:person is taller than the inflatable 8. shitty 9 hole put
there's more pictures.. i'll add em on fb eventually .. LOL
holaay shiet
Sunday, August 16, 2009 (12:31 AM)
So I swear I haven't stayed up past 12 on the computer for a long ass time. Anywhos i'm trying to kill some time because my rents left the house around 10 something to pick up my aunt, uncle & cousins at the airport. And 5 mins literally before that someone called the house and all i heard was BEEP BEEP BEEP so i'm like wdf. So I hang up and put the phone down and then I pick it up to see if that beeping stopped but no it didn't and addition to that I heard like someone talking on a freakin radio or some shit - that was so fucken tripppy cos I hung up again and picked up and it was happenign again. ERKS the fuck LOL. K well no ones fucken home and I can't sleep when no ones here ... LOL stfuuuuu . And i'm tired and i'm getting up tmrw and oh after that phone call I heard some freaky giggling yenno those giggles in scarry movies ... LOL holy shit - scared the shit out of me lmaooo okaaay i'm doooone '
feeeeelin hot hot hot
Saturday, August 15, 2009 (6:59 PM)
Hm i have absaloutely nothing to do right now. Well I went to fv today bought some necklace lmaoo. It's so friggin hot out I kinda like it haha. Finally got to wear my shorts in some nice weather, yeah. I'm apparently going to ' black creek pioneer village ' tmrw LMAO for my dad's work's annual picnic thingy. I hate how they ALWAYS change it like I remember when it was at WONDERLAND, goodtimes. Hope the weathers nice tmrw just like today. Hm and next week i'm reaching some 'police park' LMAO again. For a fam reunion :) yeah my mom just mentioned " police park " and I just laughed and was like WTF so there's gona be cops everywhere? But apparently no its just a park near my 2 uncles work because they work at some police thing. Yeaaaaaah I really don't know. Apparently there's a swimming pool there lmao! Idk wtf this is going to be but hope its fun ! LOL and hopefully the weather's gon be nice again (yn)
why you buggin '
Friday, August 14, 2009 (8:13 PM)
I honestly don't know what the fuck I did but suddenly your SO fucking rude just like that stupid fucking son of a trick. What has that person done to you to make you change to get on his low pathetic level? Like fuck it pisses me off how you make such gayass comments because now it just seems like you're NOT joking. Like the fuck has gotten into you? If that's how you want to play ... but I aint gon chase after your ass. I accept the fact that people come and go. "Don't worry about the people in your past. There's a reason they didn't make it to your future." Taking that in clearly. I don't deserve no fuckery and bullshit. That's why i'm just going to let it be. Especially coming from you, the fuck it's so fucking ridiculous. YOU yourself should know so much better with me. Like the hell, go do you and just promise you won't sink down that persons level. Ima do me - with or without you.
isn't it ironic...
(4:59 PM)
Isn’t it ironic how we ignore the ones that adore us, adore the ones that ignore us, hurt the ones that love us, and love the ones that hurt us...
erks! yeah .
Thursday, August 13, 2009 (12:32 PM)
Kso summer's almost done ;o gotta enjoy the last of it. So bored at the moment and hot as ever just because i've had NO AC at all for the whole fucking summer. Ew i'm seeing these back to school commercial shit haha. But whatever, I guess I KINDA just kinda want school to start cos nothing amusing is happening so might as well, true. Well I lied about the "nothing amusing" part because the biggest joke of life has happened this summer LOL. Anywhos i'll probably post again later or something because this guy says how blogspot was being gay cos it wanted a post for him .. big L to you ! Just kidding if you're reading this LOOL. - know who you are? Mmmkaaaaae , later fools
come and go go go go ...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 (4:49 PM)
So you've changed, erks. Idk maybe that stupid son of a trick told you some BS cos thats what that stupid son of a trick always does anyways. But now you're kinda somewhat acting just like that son of a trick. Gaaaaay much. It's whatever. I could careless but it's just so unexpected and you should know so much better... you know the way me and that trick goes.. so why fall for the shit that trick would say? This is so fucking pathetic I wish I NEVER met that stupid son of a fucking trick !%#$ ugh piss me off. It's like you just dipped for no reason, and changed for some reason - I don't know. But really , you go then you go. I'm not going to chase after your ass. I don't deserve this fuckery because of ONE stupid son of a trick.
oh and hello to you too people that love to take phrases off my blog ? :\ LOL wtfuuuuckaz!?
nun better to do
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 (5:23 PM)
So I hate twitter for being weird on MY computer (to what it seems) just because i'd always hafta refresh to actually get on it. Gay, I know right. I realllly want to see that trick one day along with my cousin with me just to see what happens, like real talks this man child makes me laugh, literally. Ugh that'd be a highlight of my summer? That's if it even happens.. that pusshole probably stays away from where ever I go these days LOL. Anywhos, fixed my blog so that it works on mozilla and w.e fucking shit cos it didn't work on all internet tabs before. Now it's fixed so enjoyyyyyyy.

good laugh'
(2:41 PM)
So I didn't post for.. 3 days LOL. I have nothing to do so I might as well post. So apparently my clickables don't work on some tabs, mozilla to be exact. Wtf, gay right. So maybe i'll change my layout later -.-" Anywhos I can't believe how much of a soft ass pussy you are LOL. After having a talk with my cousin and he told me how you removed and blocked his ass too?!?! LOL that made me laugh so hard. Yeah I understand you have your differences with him but it's not like he even talks to you! And you remove and block his ass as well? SOFT MOTHER FUCK. Just saying.. cos you keep saying how you've been in some kick boxing shit for so damn long yet look how you fight! Through the computer doing soft ass shit. The things that pussholes do. LOOOL. Kay enough about you. Well i'm eatting a popsicle, yum. It's super hot in my house as always so yeah i'm done'
my attitude is virgin, still dont give a fuck
Saturday, August 8, 2009 (5:42 PM)
Whatever you do, karma's gon happen, true? Cos i'll do it right back at you. I have no respect for you at all. You disrespected me and went your lowest and well I dont give a flying fuck about chu. So I kinda want to randomly see you one day to see how much lower you can even go. Bitch trick, I aint fucken scared of you. So holllla the fuck at me if you have problems son. Why don't you just man the fuck up? Call me a bitch. Just know that behind every bitch is a wasteman who made her that way. Guess that wasteman's you, trick.
dis res fucken spect !
Thursday, August 6, 2009 (4:53 PM)
The way you approach me on fucking MSN all the time is so fucking ridiculous it's not even funny. Must I not tell the whole story but feel free to see my tumblr for way more 'detail'. Loosing trust in you was one thing, getting it all back could've been another. But you've lied your way out of things AGAIN. I must be so dumb for ever believing you. I lost all trust and respect for you because you're so ridiculous! You're neither man or gentlemen, you're boy. You act like a child. Picking a fight with me is disrespectful! Especially cos you always start a fight with me because of an assumption you made... dawg stfu. Obviously I say negative shit when i'm mad. You know me like that. Going off on me and then telling me to " get off your dick " because i'm so-called " getting on your nerves " is ri fucken diculous! Tell me why I haven't messaged you first at all, and you're ALWAYS the one to talk to me first and start shit. Hunny please, I should be telling you to get off my clit, like!? It's funny how you were talking so much bullshit and whenever I replied to clear it all out all you could do was block me and deleted me most likely. But guess what? I DON’T GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT YOU! You just hate to know the truth which is why you NEVER EVER listen to what I say to you. And removing me from facebook just shows how even more ridiculous you can get LOL, that’s like fucken baby movements. PEACE OUT BITCH ! Karma’s gon get chu, keep that in mind. You’re NEVER going to be boyfriend material. The way you disrespected me so fucking much shows how CHILDISH you are and no where close to gentlemen like, MAN THE FUCK UP.
Ps. I'd really love to hear all the negative bullshit you hafta say about me. It's gonna come around eventually. Do know that some of your friends are mine too. You have other friends and fam but guess what sucka, I have em too.
muddddddda cunt
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 (5:53 PM)
Holaaaay fuck! So I swear I was feeling much better yesterday. Til I was going to go sleep and I was cold as fuck and my madur felt my head and was like " did you take medecine " and im like no because I was feeling better earlier and I don't want to overdose it. And she snappped ! And made me take another advil. Holy crap may I add, I cannot swallow pills properly, stfu LOL. But yeah so she said I had a fever again holy shit. Woke up today feeling better, just stomach aches still through out the day, on and off - whatta muddafucken piss off, true. Just when I feel so much better and get up, my stomach starts to hurt again, holyshiet! And now I just keep on sneezing like there's no tomorrow. Holyshit, I need to get better. I swear I just opened this tissue box and it's like half way done. Erks the fuuuckaaasz.
hello to you too, random people who love teifing my stuff. LOL whatta joke.
Must have good eyes to have read that, truuue.
sick life, muddafuuuck .
Tuesday, August 4, 2009 (7:22 PM)
So yesterday, went to eatons for a bit and suddenly my stomach started to hurt like a bitch. Maybe it was cos I was hungry or thirsty but yeah I ate and it got OKAY. So went around and watnot and on my way home I felt like I was gon faint, holy shit. My stomach started hurting like a bitch again and whenever I walked I got this major headahce :S and so I fell asleep in the subway on the way home (lol). Got home and just literally dropped on my bed. Fell asleep for a good 3 hours got up and got the biggest headache in the wooooorld. My mom said I looked 'not okay'. I couldn't even stand for 1 minute. So I went back to sleep for another 4 hours. My mom kept waking me up asking if I was going to eat but I really didn't want to get up. Every time she kept waking me up she felt my head and said I was super hot but yet I was feeling so effing cold so she said I have a fever. So basically just slept the whole day yesterday, barely ate anything and whatever. Today felt much better. No headahce or fever but I have the biggest stomach ache in the wold now. And my stomach hurts like a bitch once afuckinggain. Life's a mudda fucken bitch. LOL. I don't even know HOW the fuck i'd get so sick like this. And another bad thing to add on, my texting isn't free anymore til I get back on my top ups for my phone , omg and I don't know when i'll be going out to go get my top ups since I don't feel that great.
excuse for the swearing
Sunday, August 2, 2009 (5:34 PM)
Honestly fuck you x a-fucking-milli ! You always cheese me, make me mad and upset at the same time. I want to believe you but how I can believe if I lost so much trust in you. And plus, you tell me one thing and I see some next thing. Do you think i'm dumb? I'm clearly not. The dumb one here is fucking YOU. I swear to fucking gaaaaad. You can talk all the shit in the world about me and think all this badass bitch shit but honestly, I can say so much negative shit about you too, trick! You seem to always want to pick a fight. Well guess what, pull some cb movements. Does it look like I fucking care? I will hurt you too. You ask me why I talk? Cos I fucking still care. Now I really ask myself why I should, why I even bother. Man just tell me straight the fuck up the truth because being a fake and lying to me is fucking low. You've done it once, and doing it again is just so fucking ridiculous! Call me a hater, a bitch, any fucking rude ass names - I DONT CARE what, because it won't phase me. I can say so much shit about you too so dawg think before you do shit. Oh and i'd love to see who you're replacement girl is. You're fucking pathetic. I seriously wonder why I care these days after everyfuckingthing and I do deserve someone so much better. You'll never know what you've done to me.
weather or not - ima do me
Saturday, August 1, 2009 (11:38 AM)
♪♫ Baby, don't lie (baby)
Baby, don't cheat (hey)
In my mind, it's broken, girl boy
I'm a do me
Baby, don't lie (baby)
Baby, don't cheat (eh)
Weather girl boy, whether or not
I'm a do me
You're so pathetic. You think everything's coming back? Are you dumb?! LOL. You haven't stepped up your 'game' and you haven't done much to earn it all back. You think ima just take it all back like that? Clearly i'm not gonna let that happen. Take in that I lose trust in you so you have to work for it all back because my trust is limited.
Holla if you have me, fuck you if you had me.