knowledge is pain, that's why it hurts to know...
Eveerything here is strictly written by me unless stated.
Therefore, Copyrighted (c).
independant queen workin for her throne
" I know the world's cold and deceiving but I keep my head up like my nose is bleeding " - Lil Wayne
Cassandra N.R.T.'s the given name but people call me Cassie or Cas.
I got a smile on the face with a fuck you mentality. I'm hated and loved, but who isn't?
That typa girl who's called a bitch/asshole (whatever's negitive) because she speaks the truth.
In the teen years and is educated. I try my best not to regret because I only learn from my mistakes.
God and the ones I call family keep me going on the regular. My trust is limited. I know, sounds
cliche but it really is. Meaning I can count the selected ones I really trust with my own 2 hands.
Other than all the negative, i'm pretty chill once you get to know me.
Just like Kanye, Everything i'm not made me everything I am.
Get at me with something real. †♥$ ♪
Game -
truth is ...
Monday, December 29, 2008 (7:33 PM)
i post so much about all that bullshit happening and why do i take in all that bullshit so much? it's because i'm still there for you. i know i've said that many times but you don't get it and i really don't care anymore. you can clearly just THINK all you want instead of takin in the truth. thats your decision not mine. i don't control you're life.
thank you , come again.
nuff with the fuckery, realtalkz.
Sunday, December 28, 2008 (2:10 PM)
nuff with the fuckery, i'm wasting my damn time.
i try to be the better person by showin you respect and showin you care. but what do i get in return? endless waste-fake bullshit from you. you got your priorities mixed up and you can't assume that everyone's priority is you. you've changed from the person you were before and i 'miss' the old you. even if you snaked me and used me many many times. me? i styll got ya back after all the shit you put me through.. even if you say you got mine i'm pretty sure you don't.
& don't ever tell me to woman the fuck up because i'm the one who's being woman here. i'm the one who's being a 'good' person even if i don't want to be because of all that bullshit you've put me through. you're the one acting like a kid by being all "if you do so and so , then ima do so and so back" word. take it fucking in once again.
get fucking real
Friday, December 26, 2008 (10:53 PM)
you call people snakes coz they didn't end up doing something you wanted em to do ? ,
word uh, get your 'slang' right coz you never seem to use it properly.
mandems become your 'mains' alla a sudden coz dey 'cuties' ? ,
..funny how you don't think thats waste still .
if you say that your trust is limited then why do you keep people you met a month ago so close? why are the the ones who matter to you more than the ones you've known longer?
you clearly got a mixed up mind and you don't know the defenition of the words in this 'slang' that you use.
just get fucking real.
take it fucking in
(12:57 PM)
honestly your acting like a bitch and a half plus a lil child , REALTALKS , on the fucking realsz. for all i care you can hold your grudges over such pointless one time things, everyone cant do everything for you. YOUR not everyones priority. plant that in ya head coz thats how it seems the way you flippin think. its not our faults for the things that come up, things happen and your not the priority. FAM first. think before you speak and think before you spazz on people for their doings. just coz its not you they're putting before everything else and watfucking not. its not even THEIR fault for their doings. is it our faults we have rents? i didn't think so. so honestly stop showing yourself like that. your difficult to work with. you can be mad and all for whatever shit coz your being mad for no reason. thats YOUR bad your gonna loose friends and watnot , not my bad .. sorry you had to find out this way . your acting like a child by saying things like "if you do this then ima do it back to you" i know your grown. so stop acting like a kid frealsz. why don't you front the fuck up instead of being a bitch and a child mix'd the fuck up. bout "if you do so and so, ima do so and so back" pleaaase. deal with situations more proper if your GROWN nuff. TAKE IT FUCKING IN .
merry christmas :)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008 (12:40 PM)

( shit ass quality of course )
i'm real
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 (11:51 AM)
i try to be the good person that i am and i don't want to be. you go too far with things but i still
hold it down. i still got you even if you say you do but i know you really dont. i lost you stillaz.
do you even know watchu sayin
Monday, December 22, 2008 (8:02 PM)
you blame people for your actions .
maybe i write a lot bout this but its coz its bothering me
it bugs me to see that you PMS too much and that you
have major mood swings...
i dont recall being a 'good friend' (to you that is) because
you don't tell me squat and you keep things from me.
we don't talk as much and we don't chill as much as we use to
thats not how it was back then but now it is so i dont really
see how i could be one of them mains. so dont blame me.
imissyou, friend.
Thursday, December 18, 2008 (8:51 PM)
i miss you , ya you. we use to be like this (yn)
now we're like this : me ------------------- you
what happened? highshool did alie!? :(
you're waste !
(6:39 PM)
fuck a friend who doesn't even treat you right
the ones who just snake you and just use you
honestly im through with this coz y'all just a waste
you dont tell me nothing so why expect anything from me?
i know i could get better from you but you've changed
you treat the one you knew way before EVERYONE else
so damn waste , why give you mod respect? are you whack
coz you don't deserve shit after it alll. leave em out , dont
talk much but hustle for some money and their stufff...
the fuck is wrong with you?!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008 (5:57 PM)
fuuuuuck the snowwww ! lmao i joooooke ?
hmmmmm ... todayyy was alright. short classes.
thaank god, christmas break soontimes :)
kso like my bhesssy tevin 8) was so random today RIGHT ? :P
haha too bad im not exposing shiet :P
waste ass friday .
Friday, December 12, 2008 (7:08 PM)
okay so im hoping that wasn't a joke / a lie :)
* YOU KNOW * ( lmao ) ;D
okay so today was a waste of a friday much ?!
i was suppose to go to town with glen & drzen
and whoever else was really going to come ...
and so we're walking , walking to that cross-walk
to reach woodside and what!? drazen was gone
he had to go home -.- stoopid LOL i joke
and then angelo crossed the other way coz he
was going home. so it was left to me and glen and
we both were like WHAT THE FUCK no one's going
so we stand there for so long (not really) tryin to
find people to bring along. glen text people ? but
no reply or either had other plans. so we started
to ask people we knew who came by and ask if
they wanted to come. NOPE NOPE NOPE each time
-.- and then we saw jordan and i was like COME WIT US!
and hes like errrm okay , where we going ? LMAOO
and then we say town. so there was one person
but then no one else was coming so we just went to woodside
and then we saw jack there while mr.tallazz was buying
his bento box lmao. and then jack said lets go to
mickey dee's ! so we go and then we were there for a while
then left.
HOW FUN RIGHT ?! gooosh , waaaste asss friday !
never again !
karma's a bitch aint it, you trick.
Thursday, December 11, 2008 (8:30 PM)
now you blabbin ya mouth bout how you missin em
but word, thats your damn fault and your damn lost
its goood to know you miss em, you deserve to
now shut cha mouth .
bout going from man to mans , thats what you gettt
karma's a bitch aint it
idanno? aha
Wednesday, December 10, 2008 (8:44 PM)
i'm hating the snow and the bad weather .
snow plus rain just don't mix at allll ! right ?!
hektik . its not getting me anywhere .
' AYE! ' yous a dime , come holla "
lmfao. *shhhhh
day 2 was long , as always ! -.- i hate it stills lol
okay so people on msn got me distracted ....
around 8:30 i went on this to type al this shit out
and its now 9:01 and im only here. lmao okaaay
as i was saying... today was long.
woke up, shower, breakfast, school, home . YAY
how boring roight ?! not like i can go much places
the roads are mad slippery and weathers so bad
i hate it . ANYWAYS ima end it here this is useless
lmfaoooo. the posts that really matter on this
are the ones that i post that are really on my mind
not my daaaaay ! waste much? yeap. haha .
bout , bout ! stfu yo.
Monday, December 8, 2008 (5:52 PM)
bouut mains ! ha , fuck that ! frealz . you aint even real na`more
what makes you think we're still mains ? bunthat yo !
ANYWAYS .. today was coooooold . it was snowwing ! like omg. LMFAO
okaay. had my first late today because religion teacher's gay !
geo was borrring with that whole library presetation thingy 8) lol
art was !#$% my picture came out messed up because i couldn't make the
colours i made again and i hadda redo the hair because i messed it up -.-
andand i hadda rush it all because it was duue ! bun thatttt haha
french was the longest as always .
boring day of roiiiiiight guys lol . but word bus ride home was jokes stillll :P
lmfao yve slapped andrew and he got scared and what? he looked depressed after
LMFAO whatt joooookes stillllllllll.
yous a fake, friend up, waste & not a friend. kthanks.
Friday, December 5, 2008 (6:12 PM)
you seee me , hi haaater ! stupid fucktards . }
& why hello there to this next friend up !
honestly you needa just stop adding mans and talking to so many
acting like you really know them and shit. stop being a flirt frealz.
you're becoming a slu ! like you're going from man to man and you
just end up hurting SOME. just cause mans are cute and watfuckingnot
wow. you're low styll. you start checking with one and then later out of
nowhere you'd start checking with a next man or start flirting with a nex man
you're making yourself look bad. JUST STOP! honestly.. you wouldn't even
know a buncha mans if it wasn't for me and maybe other people too! shiiiit !
know why? cause you're a fucking friend up straight ! make your own friends
your god damn self ! you don't just go with people to the mall or something
and when the other people see there friends that you don't know.. you don't
just start acting like you know them and then BAM they become you're friend
that's so fucking stupid frealz. FRIEND UP, FRIEND UP, FRIEND UP ! x a milli
the only reason you know a lot of people is because of others and through others
honestly you need to make your own friends your own way cause you're just
using your 'friends' .... YOU FRIEND UP !#$%
tryna duplicate my swag like !?@ and stop tryna be like other people !
be your fucking self! you've changed. i swear you always try to be like
everyone else. before you were more of those skater-rocker-w49-like
kinda people. coz you wanted to get at a mandem ! and now you're like
gangster-like. like before you use dem words like "dude" and now you
use all dem words like "booked, take it in, b, dawg" and whatfuckingnot
okay like you say BEE-HEE like a fucking fob or something .. its B ! just B
bout "BEE-HEE" lmfao you sound like a retard everytime you say it.
you probably just looked up all these words on urbandictionary LMFAO
okay if not, you know the words because of OTHER PEOPLE and shit..
well guess what? you may know dem words and shit but you probably
dont even know what the fuck they mean coz when you use them in a
sentence, it doesn't even make any god damn sense !
before you use to rock them dc, billabong, element, w49 kinda shit
now you tryna rock jordan's, fitteds, footlocker shit. the shit that i wear!
before you use to listen to panic at the disco, fallout boy and watnot
now you listen to neyo, t.i., chris brown and all those hip hop, rnb and rap
you use to but you kicks over at west 49
now you tryna buy em at footlocker and champs
you use to leave ya pants hanging from the bottom of your shoes
now you tuckin them in like how i clearly do since day 1 !
sayfuckingword, i didn't know how much of a wanna-be you clearly are!
sorry but it's called originality bitch ! go find your own fucking swag
oh please. this just clearly shows and explains how much of a fake you are
and how much you try to be like other people and not yourself.
so don't say i'm fucking wrong, coz i clearly got the proof. don't deny shit.
nuff bout the shit.
today was a PA DAY. and it was pretty much a waste of a pa day for me
i didn't go out and watnot. i stayed home all day and basically slept the
whole day ! haha , oh well. i needed all that sleep today coz honestly i
havent even been sleeping my complete 8 hours a night lmfaoo . :)
i'll get back to this if i feel like it :P
i'm good - i'm real. get on my level
Tuesday, December 2, 2008 (6:55 PM)
i lied ..
but realtalks, im good.
nuff bout this .
i aint chasin a milli
its bout holdin 1 down
and ima find that ONE